For Marketing & IT Departments

If you are managing your corporate website built with Umbraco, and want to add some new functionality, or if you are considering a rebuild, I can help you.

Read more for Marketing & IT Departments

For Agencies

Digital and Advertising Agencies rely on me to provide the Umbraco-shaped missing piece for their client projects. See how I can help your agency deliver a stellar project.

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For Event/Media Planners

Looking for a speaker about Umbraco for your next event, or an expert guest for a podcast, article, etc.? Contact me.

Contact Heather

We contracted Heather to help us with an Umbraco project, she did the back-end integration while our team handled front-end dev. She started by giving us an incredibly thorough and detailed breakdown of each component. There were no surprises when it came to cost or timeline. Each week as the project progressed we had internal check-ins where she would keep us up to date on her progress and raise any concerns that may have come up. Our project had some unforeseen items come up and Heather was completely flexible and willing to do what it took to get those items hammered out. In the end, the project turned out great - we are happy, the client is happy. Our team loves working with Heather and will do it again without hesitation.

Amanda Garceau
Director of Technology, Subtext Digital

Heather's knowledge and skill with Umbraco has been critical to the ongoing satisfaction of our clients and project success. Her ability to boil down functionality requests into solutions and action items has made her an indispensable member of all my Umbraco projects.

Jeremy Brochue
Owner/Project Manager, Sidekick Web Services, LLC

Heather is the complete package - a top-tier developer, a super-reliable vendor and a strong advocate for what can be achieved with open-source software and creative thinking. Hire her!

Stewart Ellis
Director of Digital Marketing, Sprott

Heather is an innovative thinker, who sees the whole picture but takes it one piece at a time to produce a seamless end-product. She successfully created and implemented her ideas in creating several web-based communication vehicles for us at Chubb which resulted in increased profitability for a newly-created entity. Anyone who utilizes her expertise and creativity will not be disappointed.

Maurizia Reeser
Director/SVP - Marketing, Communications & Training, Chubb Financial Solutions

Heather is extremely detail-oriented. Her passion and creativity ensure that she consistently delivers elegant and intelligent solutions to whatever problems or projects are brought to her table. She is able to fluidly transition between the mind-set of a marketer, a developer, a consultant and a business leader. I would be thrilled to work with her again in the future.

Valerie Zlotsky
Marketing Manager, Intermedia

Heather Floyd strikes the perfect consulting balance between delivering to your exacting specifications and offering new solutions you do not even know to ask for – yet make everything so much more efficient. Working with Heather allowed me to concentrate on business rather than wrestling with systems. Heather is highly skilled and was always ahead of the curve in possibilities to build our business. She created custom solutions for our international news agency that were so advanced they were able to be used without upgrade for the better part of a decade. We highly recommend Heather Floyd to any business looking to scale up.

Lance Laytner
PR & Communications Specialist & Go-to-Market Strategist

Just had a GREAT phone call with Heather Floyd to talk about website development and marketing strategies. Many things that were not apparent to me became startlingly clear once Heather talked me through it. If you are just starting out like I am, and a bit overwhelmed and need a strategy, DO CONTACT Heather. Enthusiastic and helpful, Friendly. 

Reg Coppicus
Speaker, Leadership Mentor, & Educator, HARP (Harassment And Racism Prevention)

Heather, I am so glad we have the website up and running and lookin' good. Guess what. I've been approached by Voice America to have my own weekly talk radio show. They found me on the web and love my website. Yippeee!

Jory Fisher
Jory Fisher Coaching

Working with Heather and her team is amazing. It's one thing to create a fabulous looking website; but, for a website that sends a clear message about my business and gets me clients is artistry. Heather adds the marketing piece that so many other web people lack. ... Plus, I feel Heather really understands my business, listens to my ideas, and gives me great insight on the most effective way to make it happen. She has the patience of Job for working with this computer challenged business owner.

Rhonda Shappert
The Pageant Expert & Personal Development Coach

An Agency’s Guide to the Umbraco Content Management System

The Comprehensive “Getting Started” Guide for Digital and Advertising Agencies

Did one of your clients just ask that their new website be done in Umbraco – and you don’t know anything about Umbraco?

Are you responsible for the success of an advertising or digital agency and want to quickly understand what this “Umbraco” thing is – and whether it would be a good way to grow your business?

This book is for you.

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Umbraco US Summit 2024

Oct 3 - 4, 2024

Chicago, IL

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CG2022 Videostill Withpresentation

Codegarden 2022 Video Now Available

The video for my 2022 Codegarden talk "Codegarden 2022 - Developers + Content Editors + Umbraco Deploy = ❤️" is now online. 

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Heather with Umbraco MVP Award

Umbraco MVP 2019

I am honored to be recognized as an Umbraco MVP. The award was presented during the Codegarden Conference in Odense, Denmark on May 22, 2019.

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Most Recent Articles

CG 18 Demo Survey Results

Displaying Results After an Umbraco Form Submission

At Codegarden 2018 I did a talk titled "Umbraco Forms as the Ultimate Survey Tool". Recently I received a question about how to display the submitted data in an aggregated format after the form has been submitted. This was something that my talk demo was doing. I though this might make for a good follow-up article, especially since the recent update to Umbraco Forms makes it an even more appealing tool for developers to use.

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Angela Benito Trees

3 Ways to Handle Environment-Specific Data in an Umbraco Site

A few weeks ago I came across an issue on GitHub requesting an Umbraco Core feature to allow for specifying data or content that would be different based on the current website’s environment (development/staging/live). Considering the question today, in light of the current state of Umbraco 8 and Umbraco Cloud, 3 ways to handle this need came to mind. Here they are – in general order of coding complexity.

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Umbclouderrors 002

Understanding the Umbraco Cloud Portal Errors Screen

If you have an Umbraco Cloud Account, you have likely noticed a link to “View errors” on some of your environments. How do errors get listed there - and how can you best use the information to maintain your site?

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